Tuesday 5 April 2011

Double page spread Final

To Change;  Misspelling of words;
Hop farm

Look up; Anna Calri

Contents Page Final

Planning my contents page;

1. How many pages are on exisiting magazines; on the froots magazine i researched there were 68pages

2. What categories do magazines use to group their articles under;

3. How many columns do contents pages have? are they all the same width? - there is usually 2 or 3 collumns and are 9 times out of 10 the same size however this can change.

4. How often does an image or text spread across more than one collumn? regulary this is used by magazines to create a more informal feel to the magazine.

5. In what way are page numbers done? - in some magazine contents oages i researched a new convention i noticed becoming more popular is when the page numbers are beside an image of what is advertised on the page.

6. Where is the cover page repeated- when i looked in cosmopoliton fashion magazine it was far into the magazine. about just over half way. i think this was done to encourage the reader to read other articles not just the one on the cover. 

7. How many images are used? How many changes in size? - the most ive seen is about 5 differnt images and the 

8. How many changes in font size are there? 

9. What are the three main colours on the page and what are they used for? are any other colours used more than once?

10. how often are boaders used? are they at the edge of collumns or in between? thick or narrow? around text boxes or images? 

11. how much white space is there? are all the text items evenly spaced out?

12. how much layering has been done?

13. is the language used serious, jokey, does it say what readers will get or does it give hints?

14. can you see the same style of font as on the cover? now look at the sell lines on the cover and see where they are in contents page. 

What is usually on a magazine contents;
  • Features
  • Reviews
  • News
  • Realeases
  • Regulars
  • my own bit.               ->   Even though this all meant to be on your contents i chose to not use any and simply include them. this desicion was made as i wanted my magazine to have a bit of freedom and its own power seeing as its trying to portray a fresh new style and image.

This was my first idea for a contents page.
i chose not to use this way as it became to complicated and had no
house style or conventions of regular contents pages therefore i
scraped this idea. I thought it would be good at first as the main reason the magazine was prouced was that it is centred round music (guitar) therefore the image is representitve.

Front Cover Final