Thursday 27 January 2011

Masthead ideas

I have come up with the name spirit for my mast head by this spider diagram;

Multi- could be a maybe 'mast head' as she can be seen as multi-talented, multi-culteral and have different genre's!

Monday 24 January 2011

Notes & Time Schemes

Today is the 24th of January,
By the 26th--> i want to have planned a name for my band and uploaded to my blog the front cover
By the 30th --> i plan to have taken more photos and begun on my contents
By the 3rd of February --> finished my contents & have more photos for double page spread
By the 10th of february --> finished both front cover and contents- writing done for double page spread
By the 15th of february --> begun double page spread pretty much finished
By the 18th of february --> All done!

Investigation into the consumption of music in the modern day;
  • CD buying, singles and albums
  • Itunes
  • Vinyl-records
  • Radio
  • Youtube
                             So with all these possibilies is it worth offering a free CD with my magazine?

Do most people prefer print than e-zines/ webzines?
Independant/ subscription?
Are free local magazines working? i.e.
                               Source- Brighton
                               East- Hastings

     What is publishing a new magazine doing?
  • Widen target audience
  • money
  • Different types available
  • Broaden knowledge
  • Advertisment
   What is a magazine for?
  •        Advertising
  • Inform readers
  • Enteretain
  • Occupy time
  • Promote

Friday 14 January 2011

Mgazine front cover ideas

All things that represent my magazine
  • Circulation
  • Distriution - IPC Media
  • Frequency - Weekly issued
  • Price - £2
  • Revenue
  • Competition- Froots
  • Independance
  • Mode of address- a relax tone of elortated speech code
  • Features
  • Audience
This could be a front cover image even though the layout is not completely correct for a front cover as the shot is to far back and her look is not inviting the audience and making them feel equal. she is looking away and the image is all about the guitar instead of her as an artist.
If i were to use this layout i would

Original ideas;

1.  My target audience is for younger teenage girls, as i think there is a space in the market for those types of sales. Country songs are young male idols that could be fantisied over.

2. My magazine, i will take ideas from 'smash hits' yet i will make it older for about 10-15year olds. i would price my mag at £1.25 so it is not to expensive as it will be the parents buying it, or if it is for the readers they can afford it with their pocket money range. I would advertise my mag by using my publishers to reccommend my mag on tv and leaflets. I am going to publish a mag every forenight. Circulation = 2000+

3. I want it to be a  mature yet fun, bright colours drawing the readers in and advertising on front cover an interesting up to date band or artist. A theme throughout that is some sort of girly flowers or exotic pattern. My production values were/are advertising fun and up to date gossip.

4. I wish to address my readers as one to one and on the same level yet being informative. It will be an upbeat attitude portrayed inviting the reader to continue on. Being a casual reader, reader as a member of an elite group and talking as a friend.

5. Both 'smash hits' and 'top of the pop's' magazines both influenced me to produce the same type of genre magazine as both have become bust and top of the pops is still around yet is not popular at all. This means there is certainly an area in the market and my mag will produce good sales.

6. The use of internet tags such as 'facebook' and 'twitter' as it is relatable to the ame age range of readers would be useful.
Note; all of the above are first idea's and many were not followed up with!