Monday 24 January 2011

Notes & Time Schemes

Today is the 24th of January,
By the 26th--> i want to have planned a name for my band and uploaded to my blog the front cover
By the 30th --> i plan to have taken more photos and begun on my contents
By the 3rd of February --> finished my contents & have more photos for double page spread
By the 10th of february --> finished both front cover and contents- writing done for double page spread
By the 15th of february --> begun double page spread pretty much finished
By the 18th of february --> All done!

Investigation into the consumption of music in the modern day;
  • CD buying, singles and albums
  • Itunes
  • Vinyl-records
  • Radio
  • Youtube
                             So with all these possibilies is it worth offering a free CD with my magazine?

Do most people prefer print than e-zines/ webzines?
Independant/ subscription?
Are free local magazines working? i.e.
                               Source- Brighton
                               East- Hastings

     What is publishing a new magazine doing?
  • Widen target audience
  • money
  • Different types available
  • Broaden knowledge
  • Advertisment
   What is a magazine for?
  •        Advertising
  • Inform readers
  • Enteretain
  • Occupy time
  • Promote

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