Thursday 18 November 2010

Inforation needed for my music magazine!

How is music cosumed today?
  • CD buying of both singles and albums
  • Itunes
  • Vinyl- records
  • Radio
  • Youtube
  • Music sharing sites
  • Bluetooth over mobile useage
  • Television
  • Social networking
What is publishing a new music magazine doing?
  • Widen the target audience
  • Money
  • Broaden knowledge as a company
  • Different apps are available
  • More advertisment for their brands
What is a magazine for?
  • Advertising
  • Inform readers
  • To entertain
  • For many it can occupy time
  • Promote certain products
From research i have found that the majority of people prefer to have a published magazine issue in print in their hands than downloading on the internet and reading it via computer.

These are a few of the local free magazines which will give me ideas on how to layout my music magazine;

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