Friday 5 November 2010

School magazine front cover and contents

Contents; As you can see i have used the same theme of the diamonds throughout the magazine so far yet in a different colour so not to look exactly the same all the way through. I have included a print screen of the front cover to my contents then plan to analyse it!

Front Cover;   
I chose this green background that stands out to the human eye to draw the reader and in and can represent the earthly feel of how sixth form everyone is down to earth. This contrasts with the blue diamonds for the colours of Williaim Parker and Helenswood. The black mast head stands out as it is the darkest text within the front cover however i believe it is to thin for a dominant title yet i like the font of the text as it suggests hand written and school to me. Also the main picture is to instant, if i were to re take the photos i would take more up close yet the reason i chose this particular photograph was because it shows the female to be intelligent by reading a novel 'The great Gatsby' and is dressed smartly. Also if i were to re-do my front cover i would include more text boxes indulging the reader into a brief description in what stories are available to read within the magazine,

EXCEL   is the name i chose to use for my magazine front cover as the one desire of going to college is to 'excel' and succeed in all you do.

School magazine online i looked at to provide idea's for my own;

 Feedback on my magazine;
         I was told that my school magazine did not keep to the same theme throughout and was rather a messy layout. I equally agreed with this suggestion as i was not completely confident on the use of photoshop therefore my magazine looks unstructured and informal.
        I do not like the fact i used diamonds as i used them in the shapes options in the menu of photoshop as i was nervous and unaware how to use much else so it is to simplistic and unadventurous. If i were to re-do my magazine it would be more unique and have a house style. However if i were to re-do this i have gathered so much more skills throughout the course so the positive of my school magazine is that it shows me how far Ive adapted.

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