Thursday 5 May 2011

Evaluation Question 2; How Does Your Media Product Represent Particlar Social Groups?

This is the glamour magazine front cover i took inspiration from to creat my folk magazine more younger and trrendy. i thought if i included relevant issues used it could seem appealing to a more advance audience on a shop shelf and the vibrant colours catch your eye. I took the price circle to add a splash of the colour green on my front cover. Also the look is interesting and challenging with the tilt of the head yet i wanted to keep my magazine slightly more simplistic like the music and 'froots'.

When researching into who the target audience was for the magazine 'froots' it showed that the older generation preffereed folk music. 40+. This i did not want to do for my magazine as my target audience would be  16-30years. Many many would be more into reading folk magazines therefore i wanted to appeal to the female sex too. i would do this by including aspects of young womens magazines by applying a certain layout to my front cover and the look of which the model is projecting to the reader. A challenging, competitive look supporting female dominance and power.

Instead of a gossip content within the magazine i wanted to make it more factual including '100 questions with mumford and sons' and 'Easter starter songs on guitar'.

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