Thursday 5 May 2011

Evaluation Question 5; How Did You Attract/ Address Your Audience?

I think it is the layout and appearance of the magazine that brings a certain type of audience to buy the magazine in the first place. You can target a particular age range however the hope for your magazine is to appeal to all the general public in some way.

The colours i used of the green's reds and blacks connoted the nature and purity of the magazine content and the style of music. Folk represents a talent of acoustic work without having the new technologies recording and playing with your original music.  

I attracted my audience by portraying and advertising a fresh new artist on the front cover, with a catchy sub heading under her name to entice the reader. I also used a funky, young mast head font to fill the magazine and dominate the page showing how proud the company are to be 'Adapt' and how the reader should buy it.
I also used many connotations of glamour magazines to appeal to the female readers and factual content to appeal to the men.

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